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Trade Secret Law Evolution Podcast

Aug 28, 2019

In this episode, we discuss choice of law in trade secret cases, trade secret identification and the varying standards applied, reasonable measures to maintain secrecy and supporting the independent economic value element.

This podcast is eligible for CA self-study CLE credit. Certificates of Attendance will not be...

Aug 15, 2019

In this episode, we discuss narrow exceptions to the Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act, why two courts held that the plaintiffs did not sufficiently show that their information constituted trade secrets, and the ever-recurring issue of trade secret identification.  We also welcome co-host, Kevin Cole. 

Link to disclosure...

Aug 1, 2019

In this episode, we discuss trade secret identification, irreparable harm, reasonable measures to maintain secrecy and the meaning of independent economic value. Plus, Jena has a big announcement

Link to disclosure statement here.

This podcast is eligible for CA self-study CLE credit. Certificates of Attendance will...